About us
The Brain & Spine Foundation provides professional information and support for every one of the 600+ neurological conditions affecting one in six people living in the UK.
Our vision
A world where people affected by a neurological condition(s) are recognised, respected, supported and can flourish.
Our mission
We transform the daily reality of each person affected by any neurological condition, anywhere in the UK: through frontline professional services, innovative social research, and bold campaigning for change.
Our purpose
Build a powerful community of people affected by a neurological condition and support them to take action and be an authoritative voice for change.
Our work is made up of 3 distinct areas:
Professional Neuro Services
Free, expert help and support for any condition, and for anyone affected through our Helpline, peer support groups and health information. Neurological conditions and associated treatments are often complex and poorly understood by those affected and their families. Many people wait for a long time for diagnosis while living with ongoing symptoms and the anxiety of not knowing what the future holds. We exist to provide information, answer questions, reduce anxiety and inform choices for individuals, families and healthcare professionals.
We conduct social research in collaboration with The Neurological Alliance to influence change based on first-person insight into the reality of living with a neuro condition and trying to access treatment, care and support. We deliver results in real time. Find out more about our research project, NeuroLifeNow.
We build community and self-help structures through our campaign, Neuro Changemakers. It is designed to give a voice to the people in the neurological community and enable them to drive change and dramatically improve quality of life. The Brain & Spine Foundation is entirely funded by voluntary donations from our supporters; we receive no Government funding.