Creative Writing Group
Black History Awareness Month
The theme for Black History Month UK this year is ‘Regaining the Black Female Narrative’.
We invite you to put forward a piece of writing to reflect this theme, please see the notes below for how to enter.
We would like you to focus on what life is like for a black female in Britain trying to regain or having regained their narrative.
You can do this from the perspective of a black female, or a black female you may know who has empowered you or others.
What strengths does she possess? How has she empowered or enriched and encouraged your voice or helped you to overcome obstacles, helping you to regain control of your neurological conditions and symptoms.
We invite you to write a poem in the form of poetry or prose of no more than 30 lines; Express what life was like or is like as a black female being raised and brought up in the UK. How have you coped with your neurological condition and did you have to do battle to be believed and impress upon others the negative effect your illness was having on you and those around you. How did you overcome those obstacles to regain your narrative.
Do you know a black woman that deserves recognition for her strength and courage in overcoming obstacles on top of ill health due to a neurological condition?
Has a woman of colour helped you on your neurological journey? Has she shown you kindness and empathy and encouragement. Be it a nurse, friend, caregiver or relation or a complete stranger.
We look forward to reading and telling your story through the power of words.
Submission Requirements:
One submission per person sent in word document or written directly into an email to our email address [email protected]
All pieces of writing submitted will be featured on our website and shared on our social media and in the BSF newsletter in November.
The deadline for submissions is 12.00 noon on Wednesday 16th November and should be sent via email to Kate Hasted at [email protected].
By submitting your writing, you consent to the below:
- Your first name will be placed alongside your artwork, unless you state that you would like to remain anonymous,
- Your artwork may appear on any the following channels:
- The Brain & Spine Foundation website
- Across the Brain & Spine Foundation social media channels (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube)
- In publications (leaflets, posters, newsletters, marketing materials) • In print or online media (national, regional and local papers; magazines, news sites) • In internal and external presentations
- In funding applications
Should you have any concerns about where your artwork will be visible, do not hesitate to contact Constance Michel, Communications and Marketing Manager: 020 3096 7880.