The importance of your volunteering work

Across our organisation, volunteers support us to make a difference to peoples’ lives through:

  • Raising awareness of the needs of our community and the importance of our work as ambassadors
  • Supporting one another by helping to deliver supervised online peer support and volunteer led online self-help groups.
  • Sharing their skills and experience as administrative volunteers, helping to maintain our databases and accounting software
  • Participating or organising an event in order to fundraise for the Brain & Spine Foundation
  • Governing the charity as a trustee

Some of our volunteers have supported us for over three years now, working with us across a range of different roles, whilst others have only recently joined us – and we’re always delighted to welcome new volunteers if you would like to learn more.

We are thankful for all the time and effort that our volunteers donate – whether it is a couple of hours a month, or a few hours each week.


What our volunteers say

Ahead of Volunteers’ Week 2024, we asked our community of volunteers to share their experiences with us and tell us more about what volunteering means to them.

When we asked our volunteers what motivated them to start volunteering, they told us:

  • To improve things and help people
  • To meet new people
  • To use their skills
  • The cause is important to them
  • They wanted to make the most of their spare time

”I feel like I have some self worth again. Life throws curve balls and some days are harder than others but I think it’s important to channel your feelings towards looking move positively to the future. I’ve been able to use my skills again.”

We also asked them what they enjoyed about volunteering, and their answers included: 

  • Seeing the impact of their work 
  • Working alongside likeminded people 
  • Feeling understood 
  • Feeling useful 
  • Keeping busy

100% of our volunteers said they would recommend volunteering with us

They also shared how volunteering has made a different to their own lives by: 

    • Growing their confidence 
    • Developing their communication and listening skills 
    • Inspiring them to be creative 
    • Giving them a sense of purpose 
    • Helping them grow as a person 
    • Connecting them to a supportive community 
    • Improving their own mental health and wellbeing


A volunteer story

”Whilst with the Brain & Spine Foundation my duties were to review and update the health information booklets and factsheets available on their website. It was both a pleasure and a privilege to contribute to the work they do.”